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Last hour of usage and a list of applications that have reported seeing this feature flag

GET /api/admin/client-metrics/features/:name

Separate counts for yes (enabled), no (disabled), as well as how many times each variant was selected during the last hour


Path Parameters

  • name string required


  • version integer required

    Possible values: >= 1

    The version of this schema

  • maturity string required

    The maturity level of this API (alpha, beta, stable, deprecated)

  • featureName string required

    The name of the feature

  • lastHourUsage object[]required

    Last hour statistics. Accumulated per feature per environment. Contains counts for evaluations to true (yes) and to false (no)

  • Array [
  • featureName string

    The name of the feature

  • appName string

    The name of the application the SDK is being used in

  • environment string required

    Which environment the SDK is being used in

  • timestamp objectrequired

    The start of the time window these metrics are valid for. The window is usually 1 hour wide

  • string date-time

    An RFC-3339-compliant timestamp.

  • yes integer required

    How many times the toggle evaluated to true

  • no integer required

    How many times the toggle evaluated to false

  • variants object

    How many times each variant was returned

  • property name* integer
  • ]
  • seenApplications string[] required

    A list of applications seen using this feature
